Мастер-класс "Artificial Intelligence for Global Business" пройдет 7 апреля 2021

7 апреля 2021 в 15:50 дистанционно на платформе MS Teams в рамках НАМ пройдет Мастер-класс "Artificial Intelligence for Global Business" (на английском языке). 
Спикер: Алекс Пулис Старший директор по искусственному интеллекту компании TransPerfect расскажет студентам ЮФУ о возможностях интернационализации бизнеса на базе современных технологий искусственного интеллекта и инструментах продвижении инновационных продуктов на рынках.
Alex Poulis
Every entrepreneur’s dream is to create the next “unicorn”.  A company that will grow so fast that it should exceed its own country’s borders. That means their product or service will have to speak the language, understand the culture and respect the laws of every new country or region. Artificial Intelligence, modern digital marketing and localization technologies help us accelerate our internationalization journey. But what about Artificial Intelligence itself? How can AI-powered products reach the global markets? How can a self-driving car learn how to drive in America and offer the same safety India? And what about a Virtual Assistant that understands the data privacy laws of Russia but not those of Greece?
Alex Poulis, Senior Director of AI at TransPerfect will discuss how AI-powered products can be used in different countries and languages while offering similar levels of experience to end-users.
Alex Poulis is an award winning Business Development executive, currently working as a Senior Director for AI at TransPerfect International. He started his career in AI  in 2002 at the University of Saarland, Germany. Between 2006 and 2013 he worked at the European Parliament where he played a leading role in implementing automated translation technologies for the EU’s 24 official languages. Between 2013 and 2018 he lived in Finland and he helped some of the top Fortune 5 technology companies develop cutting edge Artificial Intelligence technologies by providing large scale data and consulting services. In 2018 he moved back to Luxembourg where he built DataForce, TransPerfect’s world-leading data augmentation and enrichment brand. At the same time he conceived, designed and delivered volunteering projects - such as the COVID-19 AI Training Dataset - as well as the recent web conference on AI in LifeSciences.
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